For a few years now you have heard from many of your friends about how they found an estate planning attorney in Charlotte, NC and as a couple, you and your spouse have finally decided that it is time to find one of your own to help you prepare your estate plan.
Because you have a special needs child who will need ongoing care even after your death, your estate plan may be more complicated than others. You have older children, one or more of whom can be named a trustee and be responsible for your disabled child. You realize that this issue will make your estate plan more complicated but you have been saving for years to be sure your handicapped child will be well cared for.
You want an estate planning attorney in Charlotte, NC to have vast experience with this complication to your estate but you have no choice. The attorney you chose must be an expert in this detail. You also have some properties that you to hand down to your other children who can provide funds if they are managed correctly.
Your attorney should have deep connections within the community and understand your strong need to have assurances about extended care for your child after you die. You believe that a law firm that has decades of experience in this field will work best for your needs.
You want the firm you hire to also be the administrator of the trust you set up for your special needs child. They must agree to work hand in hand with your designated adult child to assure continued care for the child who has these needs.