When To See The Dentist

by | Oct 11, 2024 | Dentist

If you take good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing on a regular basis, you will only need to visit a dentist in Coral Springs FL twice a year. If you don’t take good care of your teeth, you may need to see the dentist more often to have dental work done. Cavities may need to be filled, teeth may need to be replaced and you may even need a root canal if the tooth dies altogether.

That is why good oral hygiene is so important. Make sure you are using a good toothbrush and brushing correctly. If you are unsure how to brush your teeth the right way, look for demonstrations or “how to” videos online to make sure you are getting all of the plaque and food off your teeth. Flossing is something that can be tricky to do but it is easy to learn. Many people do not floss correctly. A dentist in Coral Springs FL can show you the correct way to floss or you can find instructional videos online. It may sound silly, but watching videos on how to brush and floss may surprise you. You may discover you have not been brushing correctly for several years. If you are always going to the dentist for cavities but brush regularly, you may just need some tips on how to do it correctly. In addition to brushing correctly, make sure you have the right kind of toothbrush and make sure you replace it every few months. You don’t need a toothbrush with hard bristles. Soft ones will do. Toothbrushes are relatively cheap so make sure you change them out at least every few months.

Another thing you can do to help prevent cavities is to eat the right kinds of food and stay away from sweet and salty foods and drinks. These can eat away at the enamel over time and plaque can build up causing decay. Foods like apples and carrots are better options if you want to avoid having to go to the dentist for fillings.

When it’s time for a checkup from the dentist in Coral Springs FL, they will take x-rays of your teeth to make sure there are no cavities lurking in the dark corners of your mouth. X-rays are a great way to see between every crack and crevice in your teeth. The dental assistant will scrape and polish your teeth to get them extra clean. The dentist will come in to examine your teeth a little more closely and give you his or her recommendations. If you have no cavities and no problems with your teeth, you will not have to come back for another six months. However, if the dentist discovers problems with your teeth, they may recommend you come back for a procedure to fix the tooth.

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