What You Should Know Before Having Refractive Eye Surgery in Jacksonville

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Optometrists

Many people who have had Lasik eye surgery describe the experience as life-changing. Before you decide to have refractive eye surgery in Jacksonville, there are a few things you should know.

It is important to research your options for surgeons. You want to be sure that you work with an individual who is board-certified and has a number of years of experience. Don’t be afraid to ask direct questions. Find out how many surgeries they have performed and how often they run into complications.

Once you choose a surgeon for refractive eye surgery in Jacksonville, you will need to do all you can to prepare for the surgery. Your surgeon is going to give you exact instructions. For example, they will be asked to avoid using contact lenses and eye makeup. Those who use soft contact lenses, usually need to be discontinued two weeks prior to surgery. For hard contacts, they should be discontinued three weeks beforehand.

Refractive eye surgery is an outpatient surgical procedure. You will be able to go home on the same day. You will be awake during the entire surgery. However, you don’t need to feel afraid or worry about experiencing pain. Anesthetic drops are used to numb the surface of the eyes before the procedure starts.

Your surgeon can’t guarantee that you will have perfect vision after Lasik. It is generally accepted that there is a 96 percent rate of success for 100 percent perfect vision.

Learn about the dedicated doctors and care staff at Maida Custom Vision and how they work tirelessly to provide the best eye care to their patients by visiting the following website.

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