If you are looking for an ADHD specialist in Lafayette, CO, you can work with a trained functional neurologist with specialty training in ADHD. This professional can locate neurological issues and recommend a comprehensive functional neurology treatment plan for each patient. All of their treatment plans are grounded in Functional Nutrition and Functional Neurology.
What They Do
The ADHD specialist in Lafayette, CO, uses therapies to strengthen weaker neurological pathways in either the left or right side of the brain. The right side is where gross motor function, focus, attention, and impulse control are located. If this side is underdeveloped and lacks strong connections to the left side, people can have ADHD. The key is to engage the weaker side and address any stress factors that influence brain development.
Pediatric Treatment
The ADHD specialist services in Lafayette CO, is able to perform pediatric treatments as well. They will choose the therapy that helps reduce symptoms and improves the function of your nervous system. This could include Interactive Metronome, Neuro Sensorimotor Integrator, cerebellar training, rehabilitation of rudimentary reflexes, and more.
These specialists also perform ADHD testing, and they can counsel families about appropriate nutrition and supplements. They can test for food sensitivities, as this can give insight into delays in neurological development. When you seek these specialists for help with ADHD, they get to the underlying processes and choose therapies that can bring about improvement. Their strategies are designed to engage any weakened neurological pathways on both sides of the brain.