What to Do While Waiting for an Air Conditioning Repair in Sarasota Fl

by | Jun 15, 2015 | heating and air conditioning

The air conditioner was making a funny noise, so the homeowner called for help. Now that someone is on the way to take care of the Air Conditioning Repair in Sarasota Fl, it is just a matter of getting by until the job is done. There are several ways to keep relatively cool while until the system is up and running again. Here are some tips that will help.

Pull Out the Box Fans

Creating a breeze through the house is a must while the air conditioning repair in Sarasota Fl is underway. Open the windows and position box fans so that some are pulling air into the house while others are blowing it out on the other end of the place. For the fans that are pulling air into the space, choose windows which are currently in the shade rather than in direct sunlight.

Beach Attire for the Day

Until the air conditioning is up and running, bringing out the swimsuits makes a lot of sense. The lighter clothing will make it easier to enjoy whatever breeze happens to be coming along. There will be plenty of time to put on something else once the unit is working properly again.

Cold Lunches by the Pool

Avoiding anything that would heat up the house is a smart move. Lunch should be a cold plate served on the patio. If the home happens to include a pool, taking a dip in the water and not drying off before lunch is not a bad idea. The moisture on the skin will ensure any stray breeze does help cool things down a bit.

Old Home Remedy: Use Rubbing Alcohol

Those who grew up in the South know that applying some rubbing alcohol to a wet washcloth and using it to rub down will help make hot days a little easier to manage. The alcohol has the effect of increasing the effect of any moving air.

Remember that the team working on the air conditioner will have things under control quickly. In the interim, employing these and a few other methods will make it possible to deal with the Florida heat.

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