Top 3 Credit Card Processing Options for Your Small Business

by | Dec 8, 2021 | Plumber Repair & Service

In today’s modern and highly technical world, cash has fallen by the way side and credit cards are quickly taking its place. There are very few people in the world today that actually carry good old cash, instead they carry plastic that they can swipe and pay everywhere from their phones to the local Burger King and from bill pay to the cable company online. Credit card processing machines are seen everywhere, so read on below for a few of the top credit card processing options in Chicago you should consider for your small business.

Terminal Processing

For a reliable and fast method of accepting credit cards terminal processing is the way to go. These are credit card processing machines that allow the customer make payments with their credit cards in store and are safe and secure as well. This is also known as a point of sale terminal as the credit card transaction will take place at the point of the sale.

Mobile Processing

Mobile credit card processing is the newest big thing. It is also known of as mobile point of sale and means that you can accept credit cards with a mobile device such as a phone or even a tablet, instead of having to use a terminal.

Online Processing

Of course, there is more and more being done online today. You can do everything from pay your bills to order groceries and just key in your credit card and hit submit. If you are a small business that is set up online, then online processing is the way to go. It allows you to accept payments from all over the world and is great for increasing sales, which increases the money going back into your business.

Contact Grant Merchant Services, if you need credit card processing service in Chicago.

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