Tips from Wheaton Dentists to Prevent Post-Extraction Heavy Bleeding

by | Jan 11, 2024 | Dentist

Getting a tooth extracted is typically a very safe and routine procedure. However, if your extraction is for an impacted wisdom tooth, the procedure may be more challenging, and you may require a few sutures. While minor bleeding is normal and expected following a tooth extraction, heavy bleeding or bleeding that is difficult to control is not. Here are some tips that your dentist in Wheaton, IL, may want you to know to help prevent post-extraction heavy bleeding.

Don’t Swish or Smoke

After your dentist in Wheaton, IL, extracts your tooth, a protective blood clot forms over the empty space. This clot helps minimize the risk of infection and heavy bleeding, and it also promotes the healing process. The clot must stay in place for as long as possible, and if it is accidentally dislodged, heavy bleeding may occur, and you may experience a painful condition known as dry socket. To help retain the protective blood clot, do not swish mouthwash or saltwater rinses around your mouth or smoke because these activities can create suction and dislodge the clot.

Avoid Straws and Hard Foods

While drinking liquids through a straw may be more comfortable following a tooth extraction, doing so can also dislodge your protective blood clot due to the suction movements. You should also avoid eating hard foods and instead stick with soft foods such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, and applesauce. Even though soup is considered a soft food, it can cause the clot to fall out because it can cause sucking when sipping from a spoon.

To make an appointment with a dentist, call DuPage Dental Smiles or contact them through their website.

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