Although you may include both combination and linear weighers within your production line, a check weigher is still required to ensure that your systems are working efficiently. Should your production line weighers move slightly out of alignment, you could be wasting your profit margin or conversely, shortchanging your customers.
Which Industry Use?
Check weighers are designed to be used by the food and beverage industry, chemical engineering and other specific industrial uses.
Although you would not wish to pack too much of your product and potentially lose your profits, check weighers provide a large element of quality control. This ensures that the customer is consistently provided with an identical product. Because the unit can make an extremely accurate and quick measurement, you can ensure consistency.
An example of how this works within the food industry is with baked items. Where they are all the same weight, the production line can guarantee that the product will be cooked exactly to your descriptive specifications. Where too much of the product is provided within the packaging, the products make not cook exactly as planned and this may be followed with a range of customer complaints and comments.
Keep Your Products Within the Law
The consistency of your weighing machine may save you from expensive lawyers’ bills or an insurance claim. Where you are proved to be under supplying a specific weight within the packaging, local authorities ,whether it’s city or state level, may insist that you are under weighing on purpose, even though you have never planned this action.
A high level of consistency will help you manage the entire production process. Where the check weigher proves that mistakes are being made within the packaging process, it is easier to identify problems that must be solved. This helps you track the productivity at each stage during the process, showing you ways in which you can improve your packaging systems and processes.