Are you looking for flavorful cigar with and smooth with a medium body? Sosa Cigars may just be the perfect fit. These cigars are nothing new, as the Sosa family has been creating exceptional cigars for almost an entire century. Let’s look a little closer at this smoke and see why it has passed the test of time.
Sosa cigars have their roots in Cuba, where some of the finest smokes on the planet originate. Perhaps one of the reasons these cigars are so popular is the cost. It’s possible to deliver premium cigar taste and aroma for a price you can afford. But how is this possible? The answer lies in the special blend of knowhow, experience, and tobaccos.
Back at the turn of the 20th Century, the Sosa family had been growing tobacco in Cuba for some time, and they decided to try their hands at making cigars. Their cigars were hand rolled and known for their high quality. Within two decades, the little village called Santa Julia, was becoming synonymous with high quality cigars. Eventually the entire family became involved in the business, starting with Duan Joan, his son Arturo, and Arturo’s son Juan Sosa. For a long time, the family produced some of the finest cigars Cuba had to offer. However, change was is in the air.
The Sosa family had to leave Cuba, like so many others during the Revolution. Eventually they settled in the Dominican Republic. Before long, they were continuing the excellent work they had become known for.
Juan Sosa has come up with a combination of aged tobacco with special maduro wrapper leaves. Plus, fillers made from Dominican and Honduran tobaccos are also added. For some cigars, this would be sufficient to deliver a good smoke, but not for Sosa cigars. In fact, this blend is just the beginning of an amazing process and journey.
To add a sweet taste to the smoke, pepper cocoa, and earth are added. Plus, other rich and savory tobaccos are included in the recipe. Once this cigar has been produced, you receive a smoke which is mild and easy, yet at the same time, full of body and flavor.
Sosa cigars are the kinds of smokes you can enjoy over and over again for several reasons. First, there is the mild flavor which doesn’t get harsh as you smoke. Next, the sweet aroma enters the nostrils and creates a sensation of pleasure. Now, add to all of this, an excellent price, and you may have the perfect smoke. In fact, the price is so good, you can afford to pass them out on special occasions.
Discover the world of Sosa cigars when you visit the Cigars-now website. We have an incredible selection of some of the finest smokes on the planet, and you can check them out at right now.