Some of the Advantages of Acupuncture Therapy

by | Jul 7, 2016 | Acupuncture Specialist

As the cost of healthcare is on the rise and doctors are charging more and more money for medical treatments, patients are seeking alternatives for the treatment that may not be quite as expensive, but just as effective. People are trying natural medical practices, including the ancient Chinese practice: acupuncture. In the past, acupuncture was shrouded in mystery and even fear by those in the West. Today, however, it is becoming increasingly popular for those seeking relief from their medical woes. A chiropractor in New Jersey who offers Acupuncture Therapy tells about some of the advantages of the practice.

  • An immediate advantage to get acupuncture is that it provides pain relief to sufferers who have not been able to find relief through conventional means. The practice activates an amino acid in the body called adenosine, which helps to ease pain after an injury.
  • A second advantage of acupuncture is that there are no side effects associated with the treatment, a major plus for those who have been beset with many side effects in other treatment methods.
  • Unlike some pain medications and treatment that have been traditionally used, acupuncture is safe. One will not have to worry about an overdose or horrible withdrawal symptoms that people get when coming off strong narcotics.
  • Acupuncture is extremely effective if used in combination with other treatment methods. For example, acupuncture can stimulate the onset of pregnancy in conjunction with treatment such as in vitro fertilization.
  • Although there has not been many successful treatment techniques for osteoarthritis outside of surgery, acupuncture has proven to bring relief to sufferers of osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and similar ailments.

D’Agostino Chiropractic & Associates, P.C are chiropractors in Garfield, New Jersey who have been providing chiropractic and acupuncture treatment for patients for many years. In addition, they offer orthopedic treatment, laser therapy, massage therapy, nerve conduction velocity testing, soft tissue techniques and therapeutic modalities. People who have been injured in a car accident have found pain relief through their chiropractic and acupuncture techniques. If any are looking to take advantage of Acupuncture Therapy, they can visit the clinic in Garfield, New Jersey. They can also visit the website,, for more information. You can also connect with them on Facebook for more updates.

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