If your manufacturing plant makes flammable liquids and flammable gases under pressure, you know how important it is to store these products
very carefully. It’s also important to choose the right tanks to house smaller amounts of these products for shipment and sales. To do that, you need to start with really solid carbon steel storage tanks. Here’s a little more information on carbon steel storage tanks and the safety options they offer.
Nothing You Make Can Escape Carbon Steel
Carbon steel has a stronger covalent bond, meaning that it can prevent some of the harshest chemicals from eating through it. Additionally, many of these carbon steel tanks can be coated with special coatings on the inside to seal the tanks against certain chemicals. Impact accidents are less likely to occur because the tanks and their special coatings keep the flammable liquids and gases stable.
Carbon Steel Is Government-Approved for the Containment of These Products
All of the internal coatings on carbon steel tanks as well as carbon steel itself is approved by government regulations for the purposes given. As long as you stick to the tanks and the approved internal coatings as they are paired with the substances your tanks are meant to hold, your products will pass government safety inspections for storage, shipping, and consumer sales. If you need to see a listing of all of the coatings used inside the tanks and which coatings are best for your flammable liquids and gases, contact Chicago Boiler, a.k.a., CB Mills today.