Pet Emergency Care: What Counts as an Emergency?

by | Mar 20, 2013 | Health Care

For many pet owners, your cats and dogs are like family. Therefore, you’ll want to ensure that he or she is getting the best healthcare treatment available. Sometimes this involves a trip to the emergency room. Whether your pet is suffering from an unexpected injury, trauma or illness, it’s important to seek immediate medical help when your pet needs it. Pets that are ill will often display common signs and symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, respiratory distress or a handful of other behaviors that could require emergency services. Learn more about what types of signs and symptoms to look for when it comes to needing pet emergency care.

Serious Trauma
If your cat or dog has suffered a severe trauma, a trip to the emergency vet may be necessary. Perhaps your pet fell from a dangerous height, suffered a gunshot wound or got hit by a car. These types of wounds and lacerations require immediate examination by your vet. Even if your pet appears fine, he could be suffering from internal damage. For your pet’s health, it’s best to have him checked out to be sure.

Difficulty Breathing
Whenever your pet is having difficulty breathing, contact your vet for assistance. Difficulty breathing could involve a weak or raspy voice, wheezing or choking, or a combination of any of these respiratory problems. While these signs could indicate an underlying medical problem, the issue may be a foreign body lodged in the airway. Allow your vet to take action to avoid any injury to your pet.

Neurological Problems
Pets suffering from neurological problems may present severe lethargy, disorientation, unresponsiveness, incoordination or even coma. Most dogs are alert, happy and responsive around their owners. If your dog is acting strangely or is showing signs of weakness, a neurological issue may be to blame. These types of problems should be checked out by a qualified vet to rule out any major medical conditions.

Toxic Exposure
If your pet has come in contact with an unknown toxin, it could wreak havoc on his delicate system. Immediate action should be taken to avoid deadly consequences. If you believe that your pet has ingested a toxin, contact animal poison control, as well as your vet for further instructions. Your vet may instruct you to induce vomiting, which involves giving your pet hydrogen peroxide to rid the body of the toxins. Pet emergency care is highly important to keep your pet safe and healthy.

Catering to pets in Anaheim, CA and the surrounding areas, Yorba Regional Animal Hospital provides diagnostic, preventative and medical veterinary services, as well as pet dentistry and surgical procedures.

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