Looking for Simplicity? Consider Condos for Sale in New York

by | Jun 22, 2020 | Real Estate

Many people are on the brink of making a life-altering transition. Whether you are starting a new life or simply seeking a change of scenery, the location and living space that you select will dictate a large part of your daily experience. Therefore, it is crucial to choose wisely before you settle anywhere. Some people are inclined to believe that their living space is a projection of who they are. Not surprisingly, certain personality types and lifestyle choices are best suited for condo situation. If you are not sure if the condos for sale in New York are for you, then continue reading. Discover if you are a condo person.


Are you a minimalist? Perhaps the notion of a decadent, Victorian themed, three story home does not suit you reductionist philosophy of living. To some, less truly is more. More often equates to more stress, more materialism, more anxiety, and in most cases, more expenses. However, there are many benefits to being a minimalist. If you choose simplicity over extravagance, then a condo might be right for you. A comfortable space without the ornate additions of an architecturally wondrous home may suitable for your needs.


While condos are smaller than homes, a smaller space encourages one to capitalize on what is essential, rather than excess. Condos are equally as beautiful and elegant as homes, and they accomplish this within a smaller setting. If you are comfortable with what is needed, rather than attaining more, then you should consider finding condos for sale in your area.


As noted, your living space should support your lifestyle. Many people aspire to home ownership in beautiful suburbia, failing to realize that their commuting costs may surge dramatically. Would you rather live in an exclusive, yet desolate, home neighborhood, or would you prefer a condo near civilization? If you are an existentialist, extrovert, or a frugal person who hates commuting costs, then condos are for you. Condos are generally located near public transportation, shopping centers, restaurants, and much more. If you love people, you will have easy access to them. If you work nearby, you can commute by foot or train to work. The options are endless.

Some people are more interested in maintaining themselves than they are maintaining their surrounding environment. Do you feel more compelled to sculpt your hair, rather than work all day repairing something in your house? If so, then perhaps you should live in a condo. You will have more time to dedicate to yourself if you live in this type of property. All exterior repairs and all landscaping will be done for you. If this describes your desired lifestyle, then find condos for sale in your area.

As you can see, the home selecting process is not simply a financial feat. Your living space affects your mood, comfort, and lifestyle. For more information, visit Fifteen Hudson Yards.

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