How to know if teeth whitening Plano, TX dentists offer is right for you

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Dental Services, Dentist, Dentistry

There are many different reasons to consider whitening your smile in Plano, TX. Whiter teeth make you look years younger and healthier. They also give you a brighter and more attractive smile. You can choose to buy store teeth whitening kits or you can also opt to visit your dentist and get the teeth whitening Plano, TX dentists offer. This type of teeth whitening is very effective and can whiten teeth up to eight shades lighter. However it isn’t for everyone. Reading on below will help you to determine whether or not teeth whitening is right for you.

No oral health problems

In general if your smile is in good condition and you have no oral health concerns, you can feel pretty confident getting teeth whitening Plano, TX services. You only have to worry if you have recently scraped your gums as a result of too hard teeth brushing or any other type of tooth or gum damage. However in general, with optimal dental health, you can get your teeth whitened professionally with no concerns.

When not to get teeth whitening

There are certain instances where one should avoid getting teeth whitening services. These include if you have sensitive teeth, discolored teeth, white spots on the surface of the teeth or infected gums. You should also avoid teeth whitening if you have crowns, bridges, dentures, or other dental work or if you have tooth decay. These conditions would prevent you from getting teeth whitening services to ensure that no further damage occurs to your smile.

Understanding when teeth whitening is beneficial and when it may pose a hazard to your smile will help you take great care of your smile as safely as possible. Keeping these points in mind will help you to smile brightly without damaging your teeth.

For quality teeth whitening Plano TX dentists provide, consider Shifa Dental.

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