Getting a No-obligation Quote to Sell Your House

by | May 13, 2019 | Plumber Repair & Service

As you near retirement, you may be ready to sell your home and move to a smaller place. You may have your eye set on renting an apartment or buying a one or two-bedroom condo. You no longer need or want to live in a house that is too large for you and your spouse.

However, you may not want to go through the process of hiring a real estate agent, listing your house for sale, and then waiting weeks or months before someone makes an offer on it. By getting a quote and possibly selling it to a company that offers cash for homes Portland homeowners can close on the sale faster and walk away with money in your pocket to move on with your life.

As much as you like the idea of selling it to a business that offers cash for homes Portland homeowners like you may not want to go blindly into the transaction. In fact, you may want to know plenty of details before you decide if the transaction is really worth your while or if you should consider another way of selling the home.

Your first question may revolve around how much you can get for your home and whether or not the money being offered is close to the amount you could get by listing the house with an agent. The company that offers you cash for the house may not offer you the full resale value of the home based on the county appraisal records.

However, if your home is paid off in full, you may find it appealing to walk away with more cash than you have right now and in a time frame that befits your retirement goals. You can get a free quote for how much you could get at no obligation to you.

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