Lab mills are essential equipment in many kinds of laboratory where sampling is part of the process. It’s often used for doing sample preparation before the analysis phase. They are able to break the samples into fine particles that are homogenized in size.
These mills can be calibrated to produce a wide range of coarseness and fineness of samples even into the ultrafine size. But it’s also possible because there is a wide range of mills available for the kind of samples you need.
Lab mills come in different categories. There are ball mills that grind particles with feed size in millimeters and result in a final fineness in nano to micrometers. There are mortar grinders or disc mills, cutting mills, knife mills, rotor mills and jaw crushers that can grind down to 500 microns.
Samples for lab milling can come from a wide variety of materials. There are those from construction materials, chemical products, electronic components to the soil, sewage, sludge, wood, bone, paper to minerals, ores and rocks.
Some samples are made wet and some dry, some hard, some soft. There are those that are elastic, brittle and there are fibrous materials. These are often used for chemistry, pharmaceuticals, food analysis, material testing and life science.
So if you’re looking to source the right lab mill, consider its power, speed and how easy it is to clean. On the technical side, keep in mind the equipment throughput, reproducibility and yield. An option for a cooling system with it would be helpful.
If you have any questions about lab mills, give us a call at 000-000-0000 at CB Mills. Our 125 years of providing mills will help you find the right one for you.