Are you having problems at night due to a sleep disorder? Consulting an experienced sleep apnea dentist in Madison, WI may offer you a valuable solution to this dilemma. They can help you understand what might be causing your issues and develop a plan to help you overcome them. Improving your airway and airflow can help you get the oxygen you need to rest fully.
Having an Obstructed Airway Makes Breathing Difficult
Snoring is a tell-tale sign of an obstructed airway that will likely leave you gasping for air and can make it challenging to sleep. Remedying this unwanted situation by getting help from a top sleep apnea dentist in Madison, WI is probably your best option when you’re in this position. They can diagnose your disorder and offer a solution that helps open your airway correctly so that you can breathe comfortably.
Will a Small Oral Appliance Help?
After diagnosing an obstructed airway, some providers might provide you with a CPAP machine, which provides constant airflow to your upper respiratory tract. While this method can be useful, it doesn’t solve the root cause of your problem. An experienced sleep apnea dentist can help you determine if a small oral appliance or orthotic can help solve your problem. Having a professional document the success of this device will determine if it provides the vital airflow you require to feel fully rested.
Providing Professional Diagnosis and Treatment
Find a professional sleep apnea dentist to help assist in the diagnosis and treatment of your sleep issues. You can learn more about the process toward diagnosis and treatment by visiting TMJ and Sleep Center at Sitename.