Does Duct Cleaning Really Make a Difference?

by | Aug 21, 2015 | Air Conditioning

The typical homeowner understands the importance of maintaining the residential heating and cooling system. Much of the effort is focused on maintenance for the main unit and taking care of tasks like changing out filters in a timely manner. Along with these efforts, it pays to have the duct work inspected from time to time. Those inspections will determine if there is the need for any type of Duct Cleaning. Here are some of the reasons why having the ducts cleaned really will make a difference.

Contaminants in the Ducts

For anyone who has never seen the inside of an air duct, the collection of debris and contaminants can come as a huge surprise. It is not unusual for all sorts of dirt and grime to settle in duct work connected to heating and air conditioning units. Along with the dirt, the ducts can be the place that rodents and other types of pests go to die. Depending on the weather, mold can also set up in the ducts with relative ease. All of those contaminants combine to make for a less than healthy environment.

Keep in mind that as the unit forces air through the ducts, the flow passes over and around those contaminants. At least some of the debris is picked up and carried through the vents and into the home. In other words, members of the household are breathing in some of those contaminants. By choosing to arrange for a Duct Cleaning every couple of years, it is possible to get rid of the contaminants and ensure the family is breathing in clean air.

An Odor in the Home

Many people who have their ducts cleaned also report that the house smells a little fresher. This is because the buildup of contaminants in the duct system does affect the scent of the air carried into each room. By eliminating the contaminants, the air flowing through the vents is fresher as well as healthier. The result is that even spaces in the home which used to have an odor after being cleaned now smell much nicer.

For homeowners who do not remember the last time the ducts were cleaned, today is the day to call Palm Harbor Heating & Air Conditioning and schedule an appointment. After a quick check and a thorough duct flushing, the difference will be easy to notice.

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