Cavity Care Provided By the Dentists in Wichita KS

by | Jul 28, 2015 | Dentistry

One of the biggest problems with keeping a smile healthy is decay. Tooth decay starts out as a subtle invader and then quickly progresses until it has entered the inner portions of the tooth. Once in the inner pulp, the decay can irritate the nerve and cause pain. Decay not only affects one tooth, it can spread to adjacent teeth. If the decay goes untreated, this can lead to major problems with a person’s oral health. It is imperative people see their dentist often and call for an appointment with the dentists Wichita KS when they notice the signs of a cavity.

The acidic and sugary foods people eat can wreak havoc on their teeth. While many people brush after eating to avoid decay from setting in, some neglect their teeth and only brush sporadically. It has been proven brushing and flossing are the biggest deterrents to decay. Once decay sets in a tooth, there are some warning signs a person can look for:

• Pain when biting down or chewing

• White or dark spots on the teeth

• Increased sensitivity when eating certain foods (especially sweets)

• Tooth damage

Once a person begins to experience pain in their tooth, this means the decay has become advanced and is irritating the nerve. Once a cavity becomes advanced, it can lead to tooth death over a period of time. Once a tooth dies, it must be extracted.

To stop the pain and progression of damage, the dentist will remove the decayed areas and then fill the tooth to seal it off. Sealing the tooth stops the nerve pain and makes the tooth stronger. If the damage is severe to the tooth, the dentist may place a ceramic crown over the tooth. These crowns look just like a natural tooth and make a person’s smile look more attractive.

If any of these signs are present, a person needs to contact the dentists Wichita KS for an appointment. Through a full examination, the dentist can learn how advanced the cavity has become and what needs to be done to treat it. With proper dental care, a person can finally find relief from their symptoms and save their tooth from being lost.

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