Nad IV Therapy in Chicago Helps With Cell Repair & Improves Well-Being

by | Feb 27, 2024 | Wellness Center

In recent years, more has been discussed about Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Intravenous Therapy and its benefits on one’s overall well-being. By infusion of NAD+ into the body, helps to enhance cellular function. What is NAD+?

NAD+ is a coenzyme found in anything living. Adding this to a system can cause dramatic improvements by replenishing declining levels associated with aging. Nad IV therapy in Chicago has become more popular because people see the vast benefits of these IV treatments.

The Natural Decline of NAD+

Within the body are many biological processes, such as cell signaling, energy, metabolism, and DNA repair. NAD+ is a significant part of these processes. Sadly, as a person ages, the levels of this coenzyme naturally decline, and it’s effortless for health and age-related issues to develop.

Utilizing NAD IV therapy restores these plummeting levels, providing benefits such as increased energy, cellular repair, and enhanced cognitive function.

IV Therapy and The Improvement of Symptoms

Utilizing IV therapy can help alleviate symptoms associated with poor levels of NAD+, and many people see an improvement in their depression, anxiety, and chronic fatigue. Some folks utilize the benefits to help them with substance abuse withdrawal, while others say that there are anti-aging properties in these injections.

Turning to a Wellness Lounge for Assistance

Those looking for alternative methods to enhance their health should turn to a wellness lounge. There, things like vitamin IV drips, lymphatic compression, red light therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen treatments are helping to turn people’s lives around.

Those looking to invest in their health with Nad IV Therapy in Chicago should contact Lume Wellness to schedule an appointment. Visit for more information!

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