Honing Your Skills: Dryland Workouts for Swimmers

by | Oct 30, 2023 | Swimming Instructor

Swimming is a great way for people to get exercise and have fun. Some people take swimming very seriously. If you compete or simply take pride in your swimming abilities, you won’t always have access to water. Furthermore, certain exercises beneficial to swimming aren’t as effective in the water. Learn more about dryland workouts for swimmers.

Strength Training

Swimming requires significant strength to keep your body afloat. You can gain strength while swimming. However, you can also work on strength training outside of the water using weights and specially designed exercise programs. To build muscle, your trainer may have you do fewer reps lifting heavier weights. For toning, your trainer will ask you to lift less weight but do more reps.

Sprint Training

Sprint training is designed to help you complete short races. Sprint training will teach you how to use all of your energy to finish a short race as quickly as possible. For sprint training, you’ll try to maintain the same power for the entirety of the race.

Endurance Training

Longer races require a different type of training. If you swim at full speed, you can run out of energy more quickly. You’ll need to learn how to conserve some of your energy to use it once you start feeling tired through endurance training on land.

Are you ready to improve your swimming skills with dryland workouts for swimmers? Contact Faster Swimming at https://fasterswimming.com for more information.

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