Finding the best private elementary schools near Richmond Hill, Ontario is one of the hardest and confusing things for a parent. With how many different schools there are, how do you know that you are enrolling in the best one? Here are several different things to think about when narrowing down the best and most affordable private elementary schools.
Make a Visit to the Campus
You can do all manner of research online about a school. You can also talk with family and friends about their experiences. However, you won’t know what the school is like until you visit their campus.
You want to make a point to visit at least three different campuses so you can get an idea of what each one has to offer. There is no way to make any comparison if you only visit one school. Try to plan your visit for when school is in session so you can see how the school works when kids are there.
Important Questions to Ask
When visiting private elementary schools near Richmond Hill, Ontario, there are several important questions that you want to ask the administrators. These questions are crucial to your decision because it is the best way to understand how the school approaches education and what their philosophy is.
Here are the most important questions to ask on your visit.
- Is your school accredited?
- What does the tuition cover?
- Why is your school special?
- Who will my child’s teachers be?
- Anything else that you feel is important, such as clubs, extracurricular activities, and more