How Does Propane Move Through the System to Guilford Homes?

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Oil and Gas

Approximately 85 % of all propane used in the United States comes from sources within the country. The remainder comes from Mexico and Canada. Regardless of how it enters the system, it first goes into an underground storage tank. When it is needed, the propane first moves to a production station.

At the propane station, natural gas is divided into several different substances. It becomes ethane, methane, butane, hydrocarbons, and propane.

Then, it is moved to a pipeline terminal where it is loaded onto trailers and transported to retail plants. Once the propane arrives at retail plants, the propane gas in Guilford then goes on another truck to move to a retail location near your home.

You can use propane for many different things. Depending on the type of grill that you have, you can use propane when cooking outside. You can also use propane in many campers to heat water and run the refrigerator. The vast majority of propane, however, is put into tanks where it is used to heat homes.

If you are one of those heating with propane gas in Guilford, then you need to consider your storage tank. A 57-gallon tank is generally installed into homes for clothes drying and for residential cooking while a 120-gallon tank is used for space heating or residential hot water. Small businesses and central heating often require a 500-gallon tank. There are also 1,000-gallon tanks for industrial purposes. Homeowners may also want to consider a propane-powered car.

Supported by 75,000 gallons of propane storage in Guilford, CT, Business Name is uniquely positioned to offer propane to commercial customers across the state of Connecticut.

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