Electronics components, such as transistors, are found in many electronics products. Larger devices may contain hundreds of components carefully attached to several circuit boards. If you manufacture them, that’s why you must choose component suppliers that have a track record of reliability. Whether you require quality resistors or the best 2N2222 transistors in New York produces, select from a quality supplier with strict verification processes. Following are steps they take to ensure your components are not low-grade copies of original production runs.
Packaging Verification
This includes close inspection of each component’s packaging. The verifier ensures the product is in the correct ESP packaging and the logo is authentic. Lot and date codes on the packaging and component are checked versus suspect lot dates.
Dimension Verification
Using advanced tools, the supplier checks the dimensions of the component using the original manufacturer’s data sheet. It is difficult to copy the dimensions of smaller electronics components, especially to exact measurements.
Electrical Test
Some counterfeit components don’t work at all. However, this can be difficult to detect due to the sheer numbers produced. Quality suppliers will conduct electrical tests on some or all parts to determine functionality.
Other Inspection Techniques
Some components are scratch tested to see if markings are permanent. Cheap copies have a thin layer of coloring that removes easily, exposing old markings. Component leads are also checked for re-tinning, a process that counterfeiters use to make lead wires of a component look new.
If you need a trusted components supplier that performs these and other inspection practices, Business Name does them all. We provide quality parts, from PCB magazine racks to some of the best 2N2222 transistors in New York stocks.